I hear it all the time. I see it on Twitter, Facebook, etc. -- Women lucky enough to have children bash women who call themselves dog moms. But why? What harm is being done? I’m not at all saying that I am just as much or more of a mom than you, I’m simply saying I am mom to a dog.
When you think of what being a mom means: the person who takes care of business, the person who cleans up the messes, the person who puts food in everyone’s belly, the person who schedules playdates, and the person who snuggles until you fall asleep - that’s the same thing that many of us dog moms do - we just do it to a furrier little one than you do.
The thing about it that bothers me most is that maybe people who are vocal about calling themselves a dog mom are doing so to fill a void. Maybe they are anxious to get married and start a family. Maybe they are struggling to get pregnant, but were lucky enough to rescue a pup. Maybe they can’t have kids and having a dog is the only way they can nurture their motherly instincts.
As is the same in many cases, we don’t know what’s going on underneath the surface.
There is enough mom-shaming in this world, can we agree to not make it worse by comparing apples to oranges? I might not have a human baby, but I do have a furbaby. And you better believe I refer to myself as “mama” when speaking to him, and no doubt will do the same when/if I have a human child of my own. I speak to him in a baby voice, rock him to sleep in my lap, sing him lullabies when he’s scared, tell him he’s a good boy for doing his business, and always test out his table scraps to make sure they’re cool. Ya know, typical mom stuff.
With a face like this, wouldn't you want to claim his as your own too??