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Day by Day...

It's really the craziest realization - that just like everyone says, the bad times come, and you just have to take it day by day...

I've been having a rough time lately.

And the days go by...

There are days that you wake up and the sheer weight of your situation presses your shoulders down so far that you can't get out of bed. There are days that you power through the initial emotional wave, only to have it tickle the back of your throat the rest of the day - an itch you can't reach.

But then there are days that you make it through the entire day - and it's you realize it's been a good one... And then you go to lay down, and when your head hits the pillow, you realize that you hadn't thought about it all day.

And sometimes that's exactly what takes you into the next day, when the darkness is the last thing you feel before you close your eyes and its still there when you open them again.

I don't know if I did things the right way; part of the healing process will be figuring that out. But what I do know, is that each day I did the best I could - which was basically waiting for the next day in hopes that it was a better one.


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