Grace, Gratitude and GrudgesI think in many, many ways, 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic and quarantine have changed us. It has changed our world. From now on when we...
A Clear Mind and Clearer ExpectationsDo you ever have those moments of total epiphany? The kind of moments when all of a sudden something you’ve been struggling with suddenly...
Emotional BruisesI've been reflecting on both the past year in my life and the past year on my blog.... You know what I’ve noticed? I never blog when I’m...
Honestly. Loyalty. And Love."Some people aren't loyal to you, they are loyal to their need of you, and once their needs change, so does their loyalty." Last year,...
Forgiveness is FluidWe've all heard the saying "forgive, but don't forget". It's something we hear when we are given advice; we hear it on tv (Looking at...