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Stop the Stigma

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Lately I have found myself being more open regarding my mental and emotional state, because I continually see it being something that is not talked about the way that it should be. It is still something that has a negative stigma, despite the fact that 1 in 4 people suffer from a mental illness.

In college, I triple-minored in Sociology, Psychology, and Alcohol & Drug Abuse. I spent countless hours studying this very thing, but when I found myself in need of counseling, it took me over two years to agree to go, even though I was advocating to other people how much it would help them with their problems. I wanted to be strong enough to handle it on my own and to "fix" it on my own, but that's not something that you can do. You won't wake up one day and suddenly notice all of your bad thoughts and feelings are gone. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc are mental illnesses, not a phase. There is no cure, but it is treatable and manageable!

I know what it is like to suffer an internal, mental battle. I have been there. I have good days and bad days. I have days when I think the worst of everything, but I also have days that are beautiful, full of life, and happy. During this journey, the biggest lesson for me was learning that you can't wish it away. You have to get help. You have to talk about it. It's the only way to not let it overcome you. Its so important to know that asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. In fact, it's very brave!

We live in a world that has so many tools and resources at our disposal that it is a shame that people feel the need to suffer in silence and fight alone. Please, please, please don't try to take it on yourself; you don't have to!

See ways to support the cause (and support some of my favorite, local ladies & bffs below!)




Niles High School graduate sells clothing to raise funds, awareness for mental health (Article by Kelsey Hammon of Leader Publications)

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