CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19)
I’ve been ruminating for a very long time on what it means, exactly, to love oneself. I feel confused when people say “Love yourself.” I’m like, “What does that even mean?” Over time, I’ve come to see self-love as a verb — something we do, rather than something we feel. What are some well-intentioned things that people say that elude you? Are you able to find your own meaning in them?
Have you ever noticed how easily you can compliment others? You hear someone say something negative about themselves, and you quickly list a handful of traits they have that make them great. Now think about when you say something negative about yourself. Do you follow up with things you like about yourself? If you’re anything like me, you don’t.
Recently I was asked to name five things I like about myself. You know what my reaction was? To laugh. Seriously. I was so uncomfortable that I burst into awkward laughter. I didn’t feel like I could list these things in front of someone else, let alone list them at all. Why? It's not that I was afraid people would think I'm too self-involved - anyone who really knows me, knows I'm riddled with insecurities. There's hardly ever a time when I am sure of my qualities or that I'm confident in myself.
But, if I really bear down, I can come up with some things that I am good at, that I do well, or that set me apart from others. Maybe even things that I like about myself. But why is it so hard? How does it get easier?
I think I'm going to give the whole "Daily Affirmations" thing a solid try. This will be my August "treat-yo-self" prjject. Starting each day with telling yourself that you are worthy, likable, and good may sound cheesy, but I have a hunch that the more you do it, the less awkward it becomes, and the more you start to believe it. It's worth a try in my book! I'd love for you all to join me. Write something you like about yourself in the comment section of this post. We spend so much time filling other people's cups that we often forget to fill up our own. And you know what? It's time for a refill.
My Daily Affirmation for August 1st, 2018: