"Don't bother bringing her back."
Every year, December 3rd -
A date I shouldn't remember.
A voice I haven't heard for years -
The same voice I could pick out in a crowd.
A face that looks like mine -
That wouldn't know me if it saw me.
I don't know you -
But I can feel you in my bones.
I look like you -
Do I think like you too?
Is there a part of you inside of me -
Waiting until I'm whole to appear?
You've made me weak -
But you've also made me strong.
I don't want to give you credit for anything -
Even where credit is due.
I don't want your influence over me -
But you're the ground of every decision that I make.
You are no one to me -
But you're part of who I am.
I don't want to remember -
And I'd forget you if I could.
You're tiny pieces of me -
That make up someone that you don't know.
When you die -
Do I cry? Is it even a loss?
You broke me when you left me -
A tiny girl, who was only four.
Now I have grown stronger -
And I don't want to think of you any longer.
It's time to say goodbye -
To someone who left long ago.
I'm casting you aside -
Just like you did with me.
I've got who I need -
And you're only a memory.
You are nothing more than a lesson -
Of what not to say and do.
So thank you for leaving -
It was a blessing in disguise.
Don't bother coming back -
You've been discarded now too.