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Do Something!
During one of my first weeks of Kindergarten, a girl named Hailey was introduced to our class. Hailey, the teacher explained, was deaf,...
Changing Tides
I think (knock on wood) that I am turning a corner... I think I am putting the past behind me. In the wise words of Rafiki, I am choosing...
The Bruised Peach
The bruised peach, much like the cracked egg, has seen; heard; and felt a lot during their life. Until the peach was fully mature, they...
Everything's Changed
After being bedridden with a gnarly case of the summertime sniffles, and about two weeks of a very intense Pretty Little Liars binge...
This One's For You...
Up until now, I always considered myself a collector of lost souls. I could easily recognize those people with pain, with needs, and who...
Self Love is Hard
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) I’ve been ruminating for a very long time on what it means, exactly, to love oneself. I feel...
Finding Myself at the Top of a Mountain
Looking back on my childhood, I was trying to live an Instagram-worthy life before Instagram was even a thing. Ok, so maybe it wasn't...
Don't You Fake It
Faced with the intense drama and cattiness inherent to working with a couple dozen teenage girls, my high school cheerleading coach once...
BFF = Big Fake Friends
So, I have this friend..... Actually, two of them. Both of them have been in my life for years, and it took me almost that same amount of...
Stop the Stigma
May is Mental Health Awareness Month Lately I have found myself being more open regarding my mental and emotional state, because I...
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